Ruby and the Duke

Discussion about Ruby Murray.
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Ruby and the Duke

Post by 1952mgyb »

Just watched it for the first time...I recall it being mentioned a while ago. What a brilliant little on YouTube. Well done to all involved.

Bernie Burgess
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Re: Ruby and the Duke

Post by Bernie Burgess »

Essentially 'RUBY AND THE DUKE' was more to do with Duke Special than Ruby. Regretably a large amount of relevant data was sadly edited out. The real full 'Ruby Murray Story' has yet to be fully told. My book 'Ruby.. My Special Gem' tells the real Ruby Murray Story in detail but unfortunately the Publisher of the book (She lives in the States) was not forwarding the Royalties in full and therefor I had to terminate our association, hence i have no paperback copies. I had to make arrangements to have the book transferred to KINDLE.
Hopefully one day a video can be made and the unadulterated story can me told in full.

Wishing everyone a Very Happy Easter --- Bernie.

Bernie Burgess
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Re: Ruby and the Duke

Post by Bernie Burgess »

Further to my message re the documentary 'Ruby and the Duke' Having watched it again I get aggravated by the fact that too many people that are interviewed waffle on and on but in the end they have said nothing. Perhaps they feel that they want to appear to be knowledgeable about Ruby but apparently they are not so they talk utter nonsense. I find that quite upsetting. I feel that I can be justified in claiming that I know the true facts and they are conspicuous by their absence in this documentary.

I wish that it might be possible one day for me to tell the full and truthful Ruby Murray Story, it's an enormous story but up to now no-one has come close - l live in hopes

Bernie Burgess
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Re: Ruby and the Duke

Post by Bernie Burgess »

"Bernie Burgess"
Further to my message re the documentary 'Ruby and the Duke' Having watched it again I get aggravated by the fact that too many people that are interviewed waffle on and on but in the end they have said nothing. Perhaps they feel that they want to appear to be knowledgeable about Ruby but to me it's quite apparent they are not so and they talk utter nonsense. I find that quite upsetting. I feel that I can be justified in claiming that I know the true facts and they are conspicuous by their absence in this documentary.

I hope that one day it might be possible for me to tell the full and truthful Ruby Murray Story, it's an enormous story but up to now no-one has come close - l live in hopes.

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Re: Ruby and the Duke

Post by 1952mgyb »

I think contacting as many older radio/tv presenters as possible is the best way forward. Maybe ask for the guy from Bay FM station if you could do a special programme with him on Ruby's story? He could pass it by the station manager.

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Re: Ruby and the Duke

Post by 1952mgyb »

Or maybe do a recording of the story on 'tape' or digital m edia and at least its available for the future.

Bernie Burgess
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Re: Ruby and the Duke

Post by Bernie Burgess »

Bayfm, now renamed ExmouthAir, is essentually a music station, l cannot recall ever hearing dialogue or interviews on the station. ln the making of 'RUBY AND THE DUKE' I was filmed giving many interviews. l was flown to Blackpool where l gave numerous interviews in several different localities in Blackpool but to my dismay they were never used, they ended up on the editor's floor. l asked the Director - Michael Beattie if he would let me have the 'edits' on the understanding that l would never use them. . . l could never go back on my promise to Michael.
Obviously the best source of the true story is in my book but sadly l had to part company with the publisher because she was not forwarding the royalties and therefor can no longer get copies of the story. . life gets tedious at times

l will continue with this explanation later, it's passed my bedtime. . . .

Bernie Burgess
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Re: Ruby and the Duke

Post by Bernie Burgess »

My hopes of ever seeing a documentary (or film) which tells the full story of RUBY'S life, her career and our marriage are beginning to fade. There is of course a return appearance of the stage play 'RUBY' for a longer engagement at The Lyric Theatre in Belfast either in the autumn or early next year Possibly something might spring from that. The writer, Michael Cameron, deserves to receive some more success following his valiant efforts in Belfast

Gerald Lawrence
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Re: Ruby and the Duke

Post by Gerald Lawrence »

I have been a bit busy recently and only just caught up with this thread.

I also remember the film as having more music by Duke Special than by Ruby, but then I suppose he was in a privileged position because he was creating it. At least it gave some more publicity to Ruby especially in Northern Ireland, where Duke is more of a "star" than in the mainland.

I have a great deal of sympathy for Bernie and not getting much of his interviews into the film - I too was asked to go to Blackpool, in order to present a fan's view of Ruby's life. They asked me to bring souvenirs, LPs and photographs, and I was interviewed for nearly an hour in a lovely old vinyl LP record shop. Not one second of it found its way into the final film! They did give me something towards my petrol costs, and did put me up in a hotel in Blackpool, so at least I had a nice little break and a great time reminiscing with Bernie and Duke. Incidentally, if you have seen my post about the Blue Plaque you will have read that I met up with Duke Special at that event and he did remember interviewing me in Blackpool. He was very pleasant so I hadn't the heart to say it was a waste of time going there!

Bernie Burgess
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Re: Ruby and the Duke

Post by Bernie Burgess »

ln connection with 'RUBY and the DUKE', There is a problem regarding the huge pile of edits on the editor's floor. . Despite having them in my possession I cannot use any of them so any chance of possibly using them in any future documentary, or film, is scuppered.

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Re: Ruby and the Duke

Post by 1952mgyb »

I would try the One Show again.....get someone to draft a good letter outlining the compulsive nature of Ruby's story etc. Got to be worth one more go...the worst that can happen is they are not interested.

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