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by Gerald Lawrence
Fri Jul 26, 2024 5:23 am
Forum: General
Topic: The sad passing of Bernie Burgess
Replies: 4
Views: 61695

Re: The sad passing of Bernie Burgess

I have just had a text message from Julie to say that there will be a cremation on Friday 23rd August at 1.45 pm at the Sutton Coldfield Crematorium. There will also be an internment at the Torquay Crematorium where the gravestone with Ruby's and Tim's ashes are placed at a date and time still to be...
by Gerald Lawrence
Fri Jul 19, 2024 4:24 am
Forum: General
Topic: The sad passing of Bernie Burgess
Replies: 4
Views: 61695

The sad passing of Bernie Burgess

I am very sorry to have to tell all who look in on this lovely website that I have just heard from Julie that Bernie passed away this morning. He was not very well the last time I went to see him, which was earlier this year. He was riddled with pain and confined to his bed, although his mind was st...
by Gerald Lawrence
Mon Apr 01, 2024 4:30 am
Forum: General
Topic: The 89th Anniversary of Ruby's Birthday
Replies: 2
Views: 24287

Re: The 89th Anniversary of Ruby's Birthday

Hello Graham, your experience is similar to my own. I saw and heard Ruby for the first time on TV in her first appearance in Quite Contrary. I was so impressed with the way she put over her song without lots of arm waving and dramatics, her very sweet and gentle voice, and how pretty she looked to m...
by Gerald Lawrence
Fri Mar 29, 2024 5:28 am
Forum: General
Topic: The 89th Anniversary of Ruby's Birthday
Replies: 2
Views: 24287

The 89th Anniversary of Ruby's Birthday

If we had been lucky enough to still have Ruby alive with us she would have been 89 today and we would have been wishing her a Happy Birthday. However, it was not to be, but as Graham has mentioned in his post, her memory lives on and not just with the original fans. She left us with a treasure trov...
by Gerald Lawrence
Mon Dec 11, 2023 2:22 pm
Forum: General
Topic: The Ruby Murray Village Green Ceremony
Replies: 10
Views: 57692

Re: The Ruby Murray Village Green Ceremony

Thank you very much Timmer for the new page and for fixing the library, both in time for Christmas 🙂
by Gerald Lawrence
Fri Dec 08, 2023 10:53 am
Forum: General
Topic: The Ruby Murray Village Green Ceremony
Replies: 10
Views: 57692

Re: The Ruby Murray Village Green Ceremony

Good to hear from you again Graham - thank you for your comments. Yes it was an amazing day, and I was so pleased to be able to be there and let the residents know that there is still (some) interest in Belfast's famous singer. I am sure you will enjoy the photographs and video just as soon as Timme...
by Gerald Lawrence
Fri Dec 08, 2023 2:43 am
Forum: General
Topic: The Ruby Murray Village Green Ceremony
Replies: 10
Views: 57692

Re: The Ruby Murray Village Green Ceremony

I am pleased to say that on Friday the 24th November 2023 both Julie and I were able to attend the naming ceremony, or "The Ruby Murray Village Green Launch" as it was known locally. Also in attendance were two of Julie's "cousins" both relatives of Ruby by marriage. Many thanks are due to Billy Dic...
by Gerald Lawrence
Mon Oct 23, 2023 6:37 am
Forum: General
Topic: The Ruby Murray Village Green Ceremony
Replies: 10
Views: 57692

Re: The Ruby Murray Village Green Ceremony

I have had a telephone call today (Bernie's 95th Birthday!) from Julie and she has told me that she is planning to attend the Village Green naming ceremony on the 24th November.

More details later when I have them.
by Gerald Lawrence
Sun Oct 15, 2023 10:54 am
Forum: General
Topic: The Ruby Murray Village Green Ceremony
Replies: 10
Views: 57692

The Ruby Murray Village Green Ceremony

Following strenuous efforts, initially by Bernie and more lately Billy Dickson, it has finally been agreed that some kind of memorial will be erected on the Village Green, together with some ceremonies. These will take place on the green between 3 pm and 5 pm on Friday the 24th November. We don't ha...
by Gerald Lawrence
Wed Mar 29, 2023 1:36 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Belfast City Council set to name park after Ruby.
Replies: 10
Views: 80784

Re: Belfast City Council set to name park after Ruby.

Thank you Billy for giving us an update on the Ruby Murray Village Green project. I will put my thinking cap on, and also have a word with Bernie about ideas. I happen to be reading this today on the anniversary of Ruby's birthday, she would have been 88 years old. PS I am sure you meant to type 5 r...
by Gerald Lawrence
Sat Dec 17, 2022 5:01 am
Forum: General
Topic: Ruby Died today well after midnight here in NZ
Replies: 2
Views: 26746

Re: Ruby Died today well after midnight here in NZ

Always a sad time of the year for me because in 1996 a week after I had told my mother in hospital that Ruby had died, she herself passed away on Christmas Eve. I still remember very well those Christmas days in the 50s when the loveliest present anybody could give me was the latest recording by Rub...
by Gerald Lawrence
Thu Oct 06, 2022 8:51 am
Forum: General
Topic: Belfast City Council set to name park after Ruby.
Replies: 10
Views: 80784

Re: Belfast City Council set to name park after Ruby.

We now have a.......Ruby Murray Village Green........Thanks to all who made this possible Thank you for your nice comments Graham. As a point of information, I have been working with Bernie and Billy Dickson for the last six months to try to achieve this aim, taking up all the persuading that Berni...
by Gerald Lawrence
Sun Oct 02, 2022 5:08 am
Forum: General
Topic: Site Update
Replies: 2
Views: 26421

Re: Site Update

Well Done and Thank You, Timmer! All working well so far, on PC and smartphone, but I will let you know if I find anything not quite right.

I all looks lovely and fresh and I think you have done a good job!
by Gerald Lawrence
Sat Oct 16, 2021 12:58 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Library reopened
Replies: 17
Views: 89238

Re: Library reopened

I have checked the third section called Miscellaneous Images . Page 1 Item 5 can be deleted Page 4 item 8 is not as titled, and can be deleted because Item 7 is a better copy of that picture Other than that, there are a few pictures which would be better if rotated. I think I can do this, but at the...
by Gerald Lawrence
Sat Sep 11, 2021 8:34 am
Forum: General
Topic: Library reopened
Replies: 17
Views: 89238

Re: Library reopened

Hi Tim, the Preview Feature certainly works very well indeed for pictures and Text (.txt files). For documents, music files, and videos I get offered to view or download, and there is not really any difference in the time it takes to do either of these things. A preview would be useful, but I guess ...