Long Awaited Unseen Photos

Discussion about Ruby Murray.
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Bernie Burgess
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Long Awaited Unseen Photos

Post by Bernie Burgess »

Dear Friends/Fans.

Gerald and I have sorted out the problems regarding uploading Unseen Photos. Can you possibly imagine how long and complicated it is going through the entire collection of photos on the website making sure that there are no duplicates when the uploading is done. Then of course comes the problem of availability of time to devote to the actual uploading.

Because there has been a long period with nothing new to create interest will members please put the word around that the uploading will shortly take place. It won't be done in one upload, it will be done gradually so please be patient. Returning to the possible naming of the new park in Belfast. The wheels of government turn slowly, very slowly, so the project is in limbo until such times as the Belfast City Council get around to the voting in connection with the naming of the park. All the work that I did months ago in canvassing the various Councillors has now grown cold, it's on the back burning. I can't tell you why, I simply don't know.

There are some very nice shots of Ruby amongst the Unseen Photos. When the uploading take place I hope that you will enjoy them.

One last piece of interest - Sadly, Ruby passed away nearly 20yrs ago and that is the period connected to having a BlUE Plaque erected. I am in the throws of persuading the body of people who allocate BLUE Plaques in Belfast that Ruby now qualifies for a Blue Plaque. I'm hoping that those in charge do not take as long as the naming of the park to reach their decision. I will keep you posted.

Adios Amigos. Bernie.

Bernie Burgess
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Re: Long Awaited Unseen Photos

Post by Bernie Burgess »


I'm pleased to report that Gerald has been able to make a start on uploading the 'Unseen' Photos of Ruby that I bought from a seller on eBay. The uploading will not be done all at once, they will be spread over a period of time. The first three shots can be seen in the Photo section of the main Library. I hope that you will be pleased with them, others will follow.

Adios Amigos. Bernie

Gerald Lawrence
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Re: Long Awaited Unseen Photos

Post by Gerald Lawrence »

Five more photographs uploaded today. Bernie will tell us which pantomime is represented by the nice picture of Ruby all dressed in stage clothes. Two of the new park shots were obviously taken at the same time as the one used on the label of the President LP and CD, and the celebration of Ruby and Bernie is with a representative from President records.

There will be a bit of delay before the next photographs go on because we are redecorating the computer room and having a new carpet laid, so everything has to be disconnected and taken out. As you can imagine, that is quite a big job!

Graham Bunn
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Re: Long Awaited Unseen Photos

Post by Graham Bunn »

I would just like to thank Bernie for letting us see these wonderful photographs and also thank Gerald for uploading them .

We have waited a long time to see new photographs of Ruby so I hope that the decorating will not take too long Gerald as it would be nice to have a few more to celebrate the 29th March.
Thanks again
Take Care

Bernie Burgess
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Re: Long Awaited Unseen Photos

Post by Bernie Burgess »

The pantomime was 'Cinderella' (Surprise, Surprise) at the Pavilion Theatre in Torquay in 1960/61. Happily the pantomime broke all box office records which pleased everyone. Derek Roy was 'Buttons' - He is/was renowned for being about the best 'Buttons' in the business. A part was written in for me as, above all things, a Leprechaun, - (a 'go between' for Cinders and her Fairy Godmother) We had a wonderful Christmas season and to add to the merriment, Paul Burnett - The Jones Boys Musical Director,was M.D. for the pantomime, he was a bundle of fun.

Regarding the shot with Ruby, Edward Kassner - He is the owner of Kassner Music AND the owner of President Records, hence the celebration when Ruby recorded an album. Thereby hangs another story . . . . . .
Last edited by Bernie Burgess on Mon Mar 07, 2016 3:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Bernie Burgess
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Re: Long Awaited Unseen Photos

Post by Bernie Burgess »


You've done a great job on 'uploading' the photos have come out looking super - Thanks Gerald.


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Re: Long Awaited Unseen Photos

Post by Jk »

Thanks Gerald for uploading the new pictures they are great, look forward to seeing the others.

Thanks also to Bernie for getting hold of these.

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Re: Long Awaited Unseen Photos

Post by hba »

hello Gerald,
I've just seen the photos as I have been offline for a while.
May I join everyone in thanking you and Bernie for uploading them.
Happy Easter to you all.

Gerald Lawrence
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Re: Long Awaited Unseen Photos

Post by Gerald Lawrence »

I have now completed the uploading of the photographs which Bernie obtained a while ago, and which were delayed by some "domestic chores". I have not uploaded those which are already in the library, in order not to increase unnecessarily the storage required to hold all the photographs. I also don't think it is doing a good job if I don't first check that there is not already a copy in the library - and as you can imagine that is quite a long job because there are so many photographs now! Fortunately for me, I had help from Bernie in that he wrote on the backs of many of the photographs where he suspected there was a duplicate, or in several cases, a very near copy taken at the same session as these latest ones. He also suggested to leave out several of the photographs where they were either not of very good quality, or included a number of other people who happened to be around at the time they were taken, so that has saved me quite a bit of work.

The remaining ones have been scanned by me, but in quite a few of these latest photographs, they are taken from quite small images that were created from the original negatives as contact prints to act as proofs before the larger ones were made. Fortunately they are all very well in focus, and so have allowed me to enlarge them. However, as they were proof prints, little attention was paid all those years ago to removing dust from the negatives or the plates on which they were printed. So the result in quite a few cases is that the dust is enlarged also and shows up as white specks. I had to choose between a small copy or large dust particles and it was my decision to go for the enlargement so that we could see Ruby's features more easily. I have put them through dust-cleaning software and adjusted most of them, but then comes another disadvantage - in the process of removing the dust the sharpness gets lost and the images become softer. A typical example is that little white spot in the pupil of the eye gets removed as a dust particle and so Ruby's eyes lose that special sparkle which we all know and love. So I have applied this process very gently, and in some obvious cases, not at all in order to give the best possible appearance to the main reason for having the picture in the first place - a nice photograph of Ruby that most of us have never seen before.

I apologise for the delay but I hope you find it was worth the wait.

Bernie Burgess
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Re: Long Awaited Unseen Photos

Post by Bernie Burgess »


Wow! what a great job you've done with the photos, they look terrific. As you have said, some are from the same photo shoot as others we have seen. Nevertheless (cue for song) they are most welcome and I am delighted with your painstaking work. Congratulations Gerald, a job well done. (Big round of applause >>>>>>>)

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Re: Long Awaited Unseen Photos

Post by Jk »

Well done Gerald.

Graham Bunn
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Re: Long Awaited Unseen Photos

Post by Graham Bunn »

Thank you Gerald for uploading these wonderful photographs of Ruby,I think you know I collect Ruby photos and I have not been disappointed with these new shots.

It sounds as though it was not an easy task but you have done a good job and it was well worth the wait.
These photos remind us that as well as having the unique voice that we all love that she was also a very lovely looking lady.

Bernie I believe that you had to pay to obtain these pictures so thank you for sharing them with us.
Take Care

Bernie Burgess
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Re: Long Awaited Unseen Photos

Post by Bernie Burgess »


I'm so pleased that I spotted the advert and was able to stop them from being sold off to just anyone resulting in them being lost forever. I think I was just in time as some had already been sold off.. . . . There are some beautiful shots of Ruby and as you say she was a very atractive woman and I was proud of her. I have her portrait hanging in my living and I talk to her ever day.

Bernie Burgess
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Re: Long Awaited Unseen Photos

Post by Bernie Burgess »

I've counted up and I reckon there are 42 (Eric Braun photos) that have been uploaded by John and Gerald into the Library in the Photo section. They are spread over several pages. I am thrilled with the outcome of the photos reappearing from the Eric Braun files.

I'd like to give my sincere thanks to both John and Gerrald for their sterling work in uploading all of the Eric Braun photos, a mamouth task well done.


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