We are currently going through quite a long sustained period where there has been nothing to report. One of the frustrating 'offenders' was/is - The naming of the new park in 'The Village' as it is called locally. This 'project' has been one long delay after another which is most annoying. The original idea, which the local residents instigated, was to get a road, or street, named after RUBY when the new development had been completed. Then it was switched to the naming of a new park which adjoins 'Moltke Street' where RUBY was born. The demolishion started and much to my annoyance RUBY'S old home was uncaringly flattened to a heap of rubble. I had made an appeal for the house to be preserved and suggested some ideas on how this could be achieved but fighting against a huge redevelopement scheme of this size was a forlorn hope.
Gradually, over a very long period of time, the entire area was cleared and after more delay the rebuilding of the streets commenced. The project has been going on for perhaps two years. I was then approached, by a local resident - Billy Dickson - asking me to contact members of the Council on a personal level to press for the naming of the new park. I was ready, willing and able to respond and sent personal letters to approximately 35 local Councillors. In return I was encouraged by the response that I received, then came further delay which I am led to believe was a financial matter. Even more delay took place because the completed development had to be handed over from the development company to the local Belfast Council. The streets are now up and running and the new park is on the opposite side of Moltke Street but still no movement regarding the naming of the new park. I am told that the local Councillor for this new area will be pressing for the park to be named after RUBY - I am still waiting.
In the meantime, I became aware of the fact that RUBY had become entitled to a Blue Plaque. I had previously discovered that entitlement for a Blue Plaque is dependent upon the deceased having passed away for 20 years. In December of this year our dear RUBY'S passing took place 20 years ago therefor she is entitled to a Blue Plaque so I made approaches to the applicable body asking for RUBY to receive a Blue Plaque. I suggested that if there was a Number 84 (the number of RUBY'S old house) in the new street it would be an ideal place for the Blue Plaque to be sited. After many exchanges of emails I was informed that because the Belfast Council had funded the plaque at The Ulster Hall, a plaque for which I had fought for and won, the Council would not be able to fund a Blue Plaque - the fight continues.
On now to the Fontana Tracks. Previous postings explained about the long delay regarding obtaining the master tapes from Universal (the current holders). Chris Adams of LMUK, a music publishing company, has managed to obtain the 4 Decca tracks up to present but Universal are dragging their feet regarding the Fontana tracks. I sent an email to Chris Adams asking if there had been any forward movement by Universal and I'm awaiting his reply.
Lastly - the unseen photos. I did explain earlier that Gerald had the job of uploading the photos in hand but the delay concerned some personal difficulties concerning home renovations, personal matters and a busy work load. They will be forthcoming in the next couple of weeks.
I personally have gone from grey hair to silver but I remain ever hopeful that all of these matters will be resolved in the not too distant future and the website will be brought up to date on all oustanding difficulties thereby providing Friends/Fans to have something of interest. Meanwhile RUBY'S records are frequently included in Nick Muir's programme 'Down Memory Lane'. Last but not least, I am thrilled by the way RUBY'S records are multiplying quite considerably on the Internet
My very best wishes and kindest regards. Bernie.
- Posts: 1051
- Joined: Sun Feb 13, 2005 12:45 am
- Location: Sutton Coldfield