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Belfast-related Teaser

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 4:57 am
by John Harris
While speaking to the Lord Mayor of Belfast at the unveiling ceremony last Wednesday, I said something which I immediately realized was the wording of one of Ruby's recorded song titles. Which one?

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 2:36 am
by Gerald Lawrence
John, looks like you have set a really hard one this time. I have been scratching my head while waiting to see if anyone else had any inspiration, but it is not easy to guess what you were discussing with the Lord Mayor of Belfast!

It wouldn't have been "It's a Great Day for the Irish" would it? If not, then a clue might help us to move this one on a bit further.

Belfast-related Teaser

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 4:58 am
by John Harris
Nice to hear from you, Gerald, and so nice to meet you and the others in Belfast; I still haven't got round to sending my photographs, including a good one of us having coffee with Bernie just along from the Ulster Hall.
I must say I'm delighted to have set a teaser which has lasted longer than half an hour! It had crossed my mind that the title you mention may be guessed by someone, but this is, in fact, not the right answer.
Clue:- The correct answer is along very similar lines, and sure enough everyone who has commented on the day on this site since the event has expressed the same sentiments in very similar words.
I won't give any further clue at the moment, but if this is still going in a week's time, I'll think of one then. The short comment I made at the end of my few minutes speaking to the Lord Mayor was indeed the exact wording of one of Ruby's recorded song titles. One down, 177 more to go, I believe - !!!
Kindest regards and happy memories to all,
John from Norfolk.


Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 8:14 am
by Jk
Hi John H, Could it be "Congratulations"

Best wishes,
John Kendall

Belfast-related teaser

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 3:45 am
by John Harris
Another good guess, but still not right! Keep going! I'm delighted to have everyone guessing into a fourth week!?! If nobody gets it right before next weekend, I'll add an extra clue!
John H.

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 12:51 am
by Gerald Lawrence
John, I have just had another idea. It isn't "I'll Remember Today" is it?

I will certainly remember the day Belfast honoured one of its most famous citizens.

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 12:51 pm
by Mytc
The Voice of Ireland ? :D

Belfast-related Teaser

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 3:16 am
by John Harris
Well done, Gerald! I'll Remember Today! is exactly what I said to the Lord Mayor at the end of my brief talk with him. It was truly not until the words had just left my mouth that I realized what I had said, and that it was the title of one of Ruby's songs - one of my favourites, incidentally, as it mentions my birthday month. I have already mentioned on the site when this is, for a special reason - anyone remember?!! I was right, wasn't I, in stating that everyone present had said how memorable the day was - much the same thing in slightly different words?
I am very late sending my photos, but will do so as soon as my students have taken their German oral exam. early next week; until then, all my time is taken up preparing them for it.
Delighted again to have have set a teaser that ran for quite a while! Will try to think of another one soon.
Kindest regards to all,
John H. (from Norfolk).

Post Subject.

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 4:22 am
by Bernie Burgess
Hello John,

Gerald did well with the teaser. It was quite a difficult one as there was no way of knowing what you were talking to the Lord Mayor about, but well done Gerald. I think Gerald is going to wait a while before inviting various members to submit teasers, I can't wait for my turn to come around again.

I am looking foirward to seeing your photos John, don't keep us all waiting in suspence too long.

Adios Amigo. Bernie.