Bernie's Personal Message.
Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 3:38 am
To All Fans/Friends,
When I look back over this eventful year, and going into part of last, my chest fills with pride with what we have all achieved on this wonderful website. Undoubtly it will be very hard to follow it. First and foremost, as John has already said, we must give an immense amount of thanks to 'Timmer' for creating the website. We must also thank his mother for playing Ruby's discs for him to grow up listening to. Without listening to those records he might not have got to know about Ruby and we might never have had his creation, -THANKS TIMMER.
As for Gerald, he has been fantastic with his technical 'know how', his own creations and his new designs. We owe a great deal to Gerald and I wish that, outside of the main core of stalwart fans, who regularly show their appreciation, many more people viewing the website would take a minute to post a message to give him the support he so richly deserves.
Although only in a small way, I have managed to achieve getting some airtime for Ruby's wonderful Christmas track 'The Very First Christmas Of All'. here on the Spanish coast. For those of you who are familiar with this area, Onda Cera International are going to programme it, via my friend Vince Tracey, and so too is Coast F.M. where an artiste pal John Curtis has included it in his programme, thank you fellas.
With the help of another artiste friend of mine - Don Maclean - we are hoping that the same track will be programmed on BBC's 'Good Morning Sunday'. Don presented the programme for many years but has now moved on. He kindly had a word with the producer of the programme and she has agreed to include the track. In turn, I contacted E.M.I. and asked them to make quite sure that the lady producer has a copy of the track on her desk in readiness, so, fingers crossed.
May I now take this opportunity to wish all of you wonderful people.
P.S. I have just this minute had the pleasure of listening to Ruby's Record on Vince's programme..
FELIZ NAVIDAD. Adios Amigos. Bernie.
When I look back over this eventful year, and going into part of last, my chest fills with pride with what we have all achieved on this wonderful website. Undoubtly it will be very hard to follow it. First and foremost, as John has already said, we must give an immense amount of thanks to 'Timmer' for creating the website. We must also thank his mother for playing Ruby's discs for him to grow up listening to. Without listening to those records he might not have got to know about Ruby and we might never have had his creation, -THANKS TIMMER.
As for Gerald, he has been fantastic with his technical 'know how', his own creations and his new designs. We owe a great deal to Gerald and I wish that, outside of the main core of stalwart fans, who regularly show their appreciation, many more people viewing the website would take a minute to post a message to give him the support he so richly deserves.
Although only in a small way, I have managed to achieve getting some airtime for Ruby's wonderful Christmas track 'The Very First Christmas Of All'. here on the Spanish coast. For those of you who are familiar with this area, Onda Cera International are going to programme it, via my friend Vince Tracey, and so too is Coast F.M. where an artiste pal John Curtis has included it in his programme, thank you fellas.
With the help of another artiste friend of mine - Don Maclean - we are hoping that the same track will be programmed on BBC's 'Good Morning Sunday'. Don presented the programme for many years but has now moved on. He kindly had a word with the producer of the programme and she has agreed to include the track. In turn, I contacted E.M.I. and asked them to make quite sure that the lady producer has a copy of the track on her desk in readiness, so, fingers crossed.
May I now take this opportunity to wish all of you wonderful people.
P.S. I have just this minute had the pleasure of listening to Ruby's Record on Vince's programme..
FELIZ NAVIDAD. Adios Amigos. Bernie.