Belfast City Council set to name park after Ruby.

Discussion about Ruby Murray.
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Re: Belfast City Council set to name park after Ruby.

Post by Timmer »

Whoa. That's exciting. Thanks for letting us know!

Donald Hill
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Re: Belfast City Council set to name park after Ruby.

Post by Donald Hill »

Great that she is still being recognised. She deserves all of it. I am biased I know but its amazing how Im hearing more and more of her songs played on various internet radio stations. Long may it continue. Lots available on Spotify.

Graham Bunn
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Re: Belfast City Council set to name park after Ruby.

Post by Graham Bunn »

We now have a.......Ruby Murray Village Green........Thanks to all who made this possible

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Re: Belfast City Council set to name park after Ruby.

Post by Timmer »


Thanks to Gerald for providing this image for the website. (Image credit: Philip Beattie.)

Graham Bunn
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Re: Belfast City Council set to name park after Ruby.

Post by Graham Bunn »

So Pleased to see that Gerald has forwarded the information relating to the" Ruby Murray Village Green" but the credit for the artwork must be given to Philip Beattie,thank you very much your efforts are very much appreciated.

Gerald Lawrence
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Re: Belfast City Council set to name park after Ruby.

Post by Gerald Lawrence »

Graham Bunn wrote:
Tue Oct 04, 2022 1:02 am
We now have a.......Ruby Murray Village Green........Thanks to all who made this possible
Thank you for your nice comments Graham.

As a point of information, I have been working with Bernie and Billy Dickson for the last six months to try to achieve this aim, taking up all the persuading that Bernie used to do in the past. Unfortunately Bernie's age has taken him past the point of being able to communicate by email or letter so through his friend Pauline (a widow of one of the Jones Boys original members) and after telephone calls and visits to Bernie, I have been helping him compile suitable letters and emails giving family permission, and getting them to Billy. Of course Billy is the one who deserves most of the thanks for this achievement, for all his contacts with the various authorities in Belfast.

It was he who sent me the nice picture of the village green with a lovely photograph of the young Ruby. It carries no credit anywhere on it, and I cannot find anywhere on the internet that it is linked to Philip Beattie, otherwise I too would have made mention of the fact. But if you are in contact with him then please pass on our grateful thanks.

I will let you all know if any form of ceremony is going to take place regarding the naming of the village green.

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Re: Belfast City Council set to name park after Ruby.

Post by Timmer »

I have edited my post to reflect proper image credit to Philip Beattie. Thanks!

Graham Bunn
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Re: Belfast City Council set to name park after Ruby.

Post by Graham Bunn »

Hello Gerald,
It was nice to be in touch again as it has been a long time and it is so good to see that our interest in Ruby has never waned.......I have sent several emails to Bernie which did go unaswered but I thought perhaps as you have indicated that it was now too much for Bernie as he is now a good age.

As you can imagine I have been delighted in the interest that has been shown relating to Ruby of late and it is all well deserved.
The information relating to the artwork was given by William Dickson so I guess this is the person who you have been working with to make the"Ruby Murray Village Green" possible.

Gerald when you next see Bernie please pass on my good wishes to him.

Billy D
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Re: Belfast City Council set to name park after Ruby.

Post by Billy D »

Timmer wrote:
Thu Oct 06, 2022 9:13 am
I have edited my post to reflect proper image credit to Philip Beattie. Thanks!
A meeting was held on 15th March with a council official to discuss an official opening and what should be put in the green to celebrate Ruby. There was talk of a statue but most did not like the idea. After some discussion it was decided that it was up to the Belfast City Council to arrange for a Ruby Murray Village Green sign and a date for the opening. If any on this site would like to suggest ideas, then please do so and I will pass them on. I myself suggested that the council employ an artist to design and make a sculpture. I would suggest to the artist -if one was appointed- that it should be an image of 6 vinyl records; I think you all know what they would represent. I will let you all know when the next meeting takes place. Oh yes, one other thing, I had hoped that the opening would be on her birthday, 29th March but it looks like it might be nearer September. All the best until the next time,
Billy Dickson, Chair of Blackstaff Residents' Association.

Gerald Lawrence
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Re: Belfast City Council set to name park after Ruby.

Post by Gerald Lawrence »

Thank you Billy for giving us an update on the Ruby Murray Village Green project. I will put my thinking cap on, and also have a word with Bernie about ideas.

I happen to be reading this today on the anniversary of Ruby's birthday, she would have been 88 years old.

PS I am sure you meant to type 5 records as that is what the world record is for!

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