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The sad passing of Bernie Burgess

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2024 4:24 am
by Gerald Lawrence
I am very sorry to have to tell all who look in on this lovely website that I have just heard from Julie that Bernie passed away this morning. He was not very well the last time I went to see him, which was earlier this year. He was riddled with pain and confined to his bed, although his mind was still active as we recalled the various events in our lives. I have tried telephoning him since that day, but unfortunately got no answer.

I had a text message this morning from Julie that the end has finally come for him. He was 95 years old last October.

It was not long after Timmer had started this website in 1999 that I had an email out of the blue from Bernie, and from that day we became firm friends. He was then living in Spain and invited me to stay with him so that I got to see for myself some of the rare Ruby Murray photographs, the portrait painting, the Daily Mirror statuettes and her engagement ring. We shared many events, both sad as in the visit to Ruby's grave, and happy as in the plaque ceremony at the Ulster Hall.

Bernie was tireless in providing us with many memories of Ruby, and in getting her properly recognised in her city of birth, Belfast.

We the Ruby Murray fans thank you for all you have done to help keep her memory alive - we will all miss you, Bernie, may you Rest In Peace.

Re: The sad passing of Bernie Burgess

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2024 7:30 am
by Graham Bunn
Hello Gerald,
Thank you for passing on the sad new relating to Bernie........I only ever met Bernie once and that was in the company of Ruby but over several years we did email each other,we exchanged photographs of Ruby and he was so well informed on so many entertainers of our era and his emails were always a delight to receive.........As he got older and frail the emails stopped,I did continue to email him but never expected to get a reply as I knew his computer days were over but I will miss him and we must remember all he did to keep Ruby's memory alive.
Who knows what happens in a show business marriage,at times it must be very hard but although Bernie and Ruby did get divorced there is no doubt in my mind that he always loved her and now they will be together for "Evermore"

Re: The sad passing of Bernie Burgess

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2024 2:26 am
by Jk
Thanks for letting us all know Gerald, it is sad but as you say he has been ill for some time now so he is better off now in peace and Ruby.

Re: The sad passing of Bernie Burgess

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2024 5:23 am
by Gerald Lawrence
I have just had a text message from Julie to say that there will be a cremation on Friday 23rd August at 1.45 pm at the Sutton Coldfield Crematorium. There will also be an internment at the Torquay Crematorium where the gravestone with Ruby's and Tim's ashes are placed at a date and time still to be determined.

Re: The sad passing of Bernie Burgess

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2024 7:47 am
by hba
Very sad news indeed. Commiserations to Julie and all of Bernie's friends.