Renewed Interest in Ruby

Discussion about Ruby Murray.
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Bernie Burgess
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Renewed Interest in Ruby

Post by Bernie Burgess »

I have known for quite some time that moves are afoot in Belfast to possibly staging a play on Ruby's life. It is planned to be a one act play using one actor (female) playing the part of Ruby. Nothing has yet been finalized but plans are slowly unravelling for the play to be staged at some kind of Arts Theatre in Belfast. A director is in place and I hope to have further news on what progress has been made. I have made it known that I would wish for the facts to be adhered to and that I am kept informed on progress. I would be most interested to discover which 'Actor' will take on the monumental task of memorizing the entire script for a show that could run for more than one hour in length.
I continue to be amazed by the fact that the handing over of ownership of the replacement houses in Ruby's childhood neighbourhood from the Developers to the Local Council is still being held up by Court Action.. This hold up also effects the naming of a local park in the 'Village' area. I hope to receive further news in the coming weeks . . .

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Re: Renewed Interest in Ruby

Post by Timmer »

Thanks for the information, Bernie. From my perspective, I've also noted a renewed interest in Ruby. The past month or so I've fielded an unusual spike in inquiries about her. So far it hasn't translated to much new action here on the forum, but I'm hopeful.

I think a play about Ruby is a wonderful idea.

Bernie Burgess
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Re: Renewed Interest in Ruby

Post by Bernie Burgess »

The latest news regarding the proposed play in Belfast is that a 'Reading' is planned to take place in the next few days. According to Michael Cameron, the writer, many influential people are planning to to be at the 'Reading'. To be honest I still have reservations about it being a one act play with one Actor (Actress) taking the part of Ruby. I have voiced my opinions and pointed out that the Ruby Murray Story is a huge story and a one act play couldn't possibly cover all the many details of such an enormous story. Time will tell...

Bernie Burgess
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Re: Renewed Interest in Ruby

Post by Bernie Burgess »

I have heard from Michael Cameron (the writer of the stage play) and he tells me that the girl who did the reading received a standing ovation by those attending, apparently that is unheard of. It was also revealed that the show will appear for a week in the latter end of the year at The Mac Theatre in Belfast (An Arts Theatre) It is then proposed that the show with then go on tour.

Bernie Burgess
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Re: Renewed Interest in Ruby

Post by Bernie Burgess »

The Playwright, Michael Cameron, has flown to England to see friends in Lutterworth and has called to visit me to update me regarding the lastest situation with his play. He is very enthusiastic about the fact that it has already been booked into an Arts Theatre in Belfast, 'The Mac Theatre', for a week in November and a tour is being planned. A Director has been appointed and an Actress to play the part of Ruby. I am hoping that I shall be able to fly to Belfast to see the launching of the play at The Mac Theatre in November.

Gerald Lawrence
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Re: Renewed Interest in Ruby

Post by Gerald Lawrence »

We now have some advertising material for the new play "Ruby!" by Michael Cameron.

Michael has sent me an email containing the words and pictures he would like me to put on the internet. If you haven't looked in on the Home Page recently, go and have a look and follow the link under the NEWS! banner.

Here is a copy of the text from Michael Cameron:

‘Dear Gerald, Bernie and everyone at the website, I have some exciting news for you and all the other Ruby fans across the world.

For the last three years I have been researching and writing a new play based on the life of Ruby Murray. I’m very grateful to Bernie and Tim for the many hours that we have spent together and hundreds of emails that we have exchanged, you have provided me with so much insight into Ruby’s life and in the process have become trusted and true friends.

I’m pleased to announce that my play ‘Ruby!’ will open at Belfast’s Lyric Theatre on 12 February 2019 It will run there for a week before going on tour around Ireland for a further two weeks. We are hopeful that more tours in various countries will be scheduled in due course.

My play is a one woman show, set near the end of Ruby’s life. Audiences will get the chance to hear Ruby tell her own life story in an intimate setting. A soundtrack of original Ruby Murray songs will be woven throughout the piece to allow people to hear that wonderful voice once again.

I have written the play as a drama which tells of Ruby’s incredible successes but doesn’t shy away from the more difficult aspects of her life. My hope is that people will be really touched by what they see and hear and that they will have a greater understanding of Ruby’s life. I’m hoping that the play will also attract new audiences to Ruby’s music that her memory will live on in our hearts for years to come.

I will provide more details and links in due course but wanted to share the news with you now.

If anyone would like to get in touch, find me on Facebook or drop me a line on

Best wishes to you all

Michael Cameron'

Bernie Burgess
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Re: Renewed Interest in Ruby

Post by Bernie Burgess »

With the passing of time, we, who used to be young enthusiastic young men, find that our lives have changed slowly but inevitably and our youthful interests have waned gradually and have faded into the past. So it is with our beloved Ruby's website. No longer do we have regular postings from entusiastic 'young' fans bubbling over with enthusiasm. Most of us have waved our youth 'goodbye' and accepted that we are now all 'senior citizens' consequently our past interests are now distant memories. We cannot hold back the passing years.

The forthcoming stage play that will be staged in Belfast in the new year, followed by a tour, will perhaps generate renewed interest in My Precious Gem in Northern Ireland

Gerald and I appear to be holding the fort on our own, a great pity but we both accept the facts. We still hope to hear from any of the regular 'posters'

Tempus Fugit dear friends . . . BERNIE.

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Re: Renewed Interest in Ruby

Post by 1952mgyb »

I dont post much but i do look at the website regularly. Keep smiling....time does fly but keep up.the good work and offer your memories to any radio station that plays older /50 s records...

Bernie Burgess
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Re: Renewed Interest in Ruby

Post by Bernie Burgess »


For anyone interested NICK MUIR on Exmouth Radio is always open to playing requests for Ruby's records. He is very generous with my requests and is ready and willing for find a slot for any requests that I make. If you have a favourite record of Ruby's send a request in to Nick Muir on EXMOUTH AIR with your name and where you come from and I'm sure you will get your favourite Ruby record played and even get your name mentioned - Give it a try...... BERNIE.

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